

Raina Morton lives in a world where life is to be celebrated…little things matter…& making memories is top priority.

Sometimes she’s very silly, but often she’s too shy to show it as much as she’d like. She’s an introvert, and loves deep, personal conversations and really getting to know someone. She’s a questioner, always. And she loves to laugh.

She writes. She daydreams. She solves crime…well she finds everyone’s stuff for them, which is kind of like crime-solving…

Although she suffered a less-common type of stroke after an aneurysm in February of 2013, she’s still working hard at recovery.  Almost a full year later she traveled to beautiful Stockholm, Sweden with her love, for two adventurous weeks; a personal triumph that has renewed her enthusiasm for really living life to her fullest potential.

She’s married. She’s a mom of two pretty much grown up boys. One is engaged to be married Fall 2016. Life took another big turn, sideways, in June 2015 when her mom passed on from this world. She is now learning to live with all the changes, and taking on the task of being transformed by her grief. She has chosen to do this…


Fiction writing is her thing and that has not changed. Hopefully blogging will help those creative juices flow! Her dream of dreams…writing a novel…of course

…meanwhile this is her first attempt at a blog — A Stroke of Good Fortune…writings about what’s important to her: lots of memoir, some personal current events, pop culture, a sprinkle of humor & a big dose of nostalgia —

She’s so thrilled that you’ve stopped by! No, really

Likes: coffee, 80s movies, 90s music, traveling, memories, Chinese take-out, books, quotes, chalkboards, crosswords, photography, laughing, pens & paper, popcorn at the theatre…just being at the theatre…escaping into a film…
Dislikes: feeling rushed, self-shaming, not having a doggy door.

party sparklies

7 thoughts on “About”

  1. Well I’m already a big fan, I hope you know that. The only thing I saw when looking at that picture is the same thing I’ve ever seen in you and that is a beautiful genuine smile on a kind soul. I must admit I got a wee bit choked up reading your blog as I could see myself in many of your comments. Your journey post stroke is one that we nurses often do not get to hear as the patient leaves for rehab also rarely do we see people young like yourself. Thank you for sharing. You inspire me to be a better person and to be kinder to myself.
    Tina Power

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Tina, I hope you know how much I appreciate your support, & now knowing you connected with my story is the greatest I could hope for! It’s alarming that the incidence of strokes in young people is on the rise, so I hope any posts regarding my recovery may help someone somehow. I’m so inspired now! 🙂


  2. As a fellow book lover, and studier of English Literature, it’s nice to feel your enthusiasm for life and the creative process. Best of luck with your writing and whatever your heart grabs on to! (Oh, and thanks for the follow. I much appreciate it).

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank You! Are you in Stockholm? Unfortunately for me, I was only there for two weeks in March. I’m in the US. I would LOVE to go for coffee!! I loved every second that I was in Sweden!! 🙂


  3. Hi Raina, i envy you as you are already a step ahead of me. I recently created my blog site but not yet published a thing, but of course i will soon. I luv writing and making friends with writers. Congratulation n i will be following you

    Liked by 1 person

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